Philosophy - Church
I found yesterday’s service depressing. It was entitled a Personal Encounter but There was nothing personal about it. It was all about dogma. We were cast as useless failures pleading for mercy. I cant say that even to an imaginary god. God has made in my opinion a magnificent creature in man able to think and be a companion to him. Yes we make mistakes but without mistakes we could not learn. It’s wrong to make mountains out of molehills. And mans achievements have been a great endorsement of God’s creation. I don’t know what God made of the service but I think he may have felt sad and not worshiped. I don’t think He would have felt understood. But God made up for my depression by suggesting that the sacrifice of the cross was his way of stopping this trend to be sorry for our selves. We no longer have to destroy the best we have on the alter of guilt. Jesus did that once and for all teaching us not to play with guilt but to recognise it for what it is, a spur to do better next time. Not to treasure it in morbid fascination. Then came the thought that honesty is of greater value than correct behaviour. Seeing and understanding concepts for what they are. We attend church to indicate our gratitude to our creator believing that he is also there to give us some indication, but it is not always given in the hymns, prayers, or sermon.