Philosophy - Corporate Conscience

I was thinking about protecting my independent thoughts, and how far to allow corporate thinking to overrule my own, because the two thought trains are very different. Corporate thinking comes in many forms. From the Law of the land, to the dogma of the church with conventions and codes of practice in between. The law of the land is the real problem because if you chose some other path, which seems to you more rational your neighbours who take Authority will use greater force than you can command to override your actions. Intelligence then says you have practical limits to your freedom set by your neighbours. But no limits set by your creator (whatever you visualise him to be). Practical limits? what do you understand by practical limits? They are often the subject of my waking dreams from which I deduce I am curious about them. My dreaming is always about testing these limits. What would I do if? Because I do not accept them as an ultimate Authority. They are man made and although man made ethics are the best we have "Practically Speaking", they are not infallible. Ultimate Authority for my actions is Me. I do not advance a defence of obeying orders because my creator obviously placed ultimate authority over my person firmly with me. Or did he? Did he place the Ultimate authority with the person or persons who can weald the greatest force? The intellect of Jesus did not think so, he led us to act in defiance of civil power, as though there were an even greater power than the civil authority of Rome, Power which can be envisaged as belonging to the creator (rational if you believe that way. But irrational if you do not. So even rationality depends on belief!). It may be rational though to believe in a corporate conscience developing over time through the individual action of individual minds.