Philosophy - What we still do not Know!
We wonder how atoms could assemble into entities (humans) that can ponder their origins! Religion answers with a creator God. But cosmologists would rather believe in a random chance obeying natural laws such as gravity, which can be represented mathematically. It turns out that for the natural laws to have produced a universe capable of supporting life the values they use have to be precisely set. This must have happened in the Big Bang. The degree of fine tuning (to within 1%) It was still believed could be due to chance. Until the cosmological constant was found needed to be accurate to one part in 10 Raised to the power of 120. Nobody could believe this degree of accuracy could happen by chance. So the Cosmologists proposed not one big bang, but 10 raised to 120 Big Bangs so that they could have one universe like ours that would support life. But they sarted with rejecting the the concept of God as incredulouse! Has the biter been bitten?